

Megtaláltam a korábbi filmes bejegyzéssel kapcsolatos emailemet és ideírom a linkek miatt. (Nincs kedvem lefordítani, bocs!)
Ajánlom az összes alábbi filmet mindenkinek! Főleg, akik szeretnek gondolkozni, illetve film-történést bogozni, utólag újraértelmezni. :)

The movie last friday was amazing! Mr. Nobody. There are plenty things and thoughts to discuss...
I think you would love these films too, that are similar:
Sliding Doors  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIOjwmYR9fw&feature=related   [A nő kétszer]
The Jacket: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCxQ83Pg1Ko
Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta1Sn6MtC9w [Fuss Lola Fuss]
(this trailer does not present the film as perfect as it is)

Both of those are related to the question of choices / duality or plurality of future, and the effects of the choice done.
Really great film all of those. I highly suggest you to see if you find a way to do so (download for example).

Have a great weekend!

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